BFS Q/A with Joshua Oppenheimer, Director “Act of Killing” after exclusive German premiere at THE WYE.
BFS Q/A with Robert Ross Williams , Director of “God Loves Uganda” after exclusive German premiere at THE WYE
Project: German Premieres of Oscar Nominees
Partner: Berlin Film Society
WYE Services:
– Curating and Inviting VIP Guests
– Logistics (Venue, Staff, 3rd Parties)
– Technology Services
– Branding, Marketing Consulting
– Private event introducing nominated documentaries to German audiences and press prior to theatrical debut
THE WYE partnered with Berlin Film Society (BFS) to organize, promote and host screenings/workshops.
Two of several events BFS chose THE WYE for included producing the German premieres of Oscar nominated documentaries.
The much acclaimed, award winning film “The Act of Killing” was shown to a select audience six weeks before it came to theaters. Director Joshua Oppenheimer gave an exclusive, personal Q&A with a captivated audience.
Another critically applauded feature, “God Loves Uganda”, also made its German premiere for an audience weeks before the first screening in local theaters. Director Roger Ross Williams gave an exclusive, personal Q&A addressing the imperative issues of his film.
Shortly after the premiere screenings of these films at/with THE WYE, both documentaries were nominated for the Academy Award (Oscar) for Best Documentary Feature.
The Berlin Film Society’s work at / with THE WYE aided BFS’s development, including assisting in bringing London’s notable Raindance Institute to Berlin.